Zoe Saldana Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Bio, and Family

 Zoe Saldana is an amazing actress in action. Zoe Saldana was born on June 19, 1978, in Passaic, New Jersey, and is 46 years old. She stands at 5 feet 7 inches and weighs 55 kilograms. She’s married to Marco Perego Saldana and has three adorable sons. Zoe’s father was a businessman and unfortunately passed away in a car accident when she was just nine years old. She also has two younger sisters and a brother. With a net worth of $60 million, Zoe has had an incredible career in the entertainment industry for over two decades.

Who is Zoe Saldana?

She’s a super-talented actress. Zoe shines in big movies we all love. Her acting is always top-notch and cool. Also, she grew up in New Jersey, which is awesome. Later, she moved in with her family, showing she was strong. Acting was her dream, and she nailed it.

Additionally, her journey from the theatre to the big screen rocks. Zoe’s not just about acting; she’s kind and funny. Friends and fans adore her spirit and energy. In every role she takes, Zoe brings magic. Her dedication to acting inspires many around her. Zoe Saldana truly is a star, lighting up Hollywood.


Real Name Zoe Yadira Saldana Nazaria
Nickname Zoe Saldana
Profession Actress and Modal
Date of Birth June 19, 1978
Age 46, years old (2024)
Birthplace Passaic, New Jersey, United States
Current Residence Passaic
Marital Status Married
Kids Bowie Ezio Perego-Saldana (Son)

Zen Perego-Saldana (Son)

Cy Aridio Perego-Saldana (Son)

Gender Female
Father Aridio Saldana
Mother Asalia Nazaria
Sibling  Sister: Cisley Saldana

             Mariel Saldana

Net Worth  60 Million USD (Estimated)
Nationality American
Weight 55 kg
Height 5 feet 7 inches
Body Measurement 33-25-31 inches
Tattoos Yes
Hair Color Black
Skin Color Fair
Eye Color Blistering Black
Zodiac Gemini
Religion Christianity
Source Home Page

Zoe Saldana Early Life and Education

Zoe Saldana grew up in New Jersey. Also, she had a fun childhood with her family. But then, something sad happened. Also, her dad died when she was only nine. After that, Zoe and her family moved far away to the Dominican Republic. Even though it was tough, Zoe found something she loved. Also, she discovered acting and fell in love with it.

Additionally, she joined a theatre group and started performing. Zoe worked hard in school, too. Also, she went to Newtown High School back in New York. There, she kept acting and getting better at it. The school was important, but acting was her dream. Zoe knew she wanted to be an actress. She made her dream come true.

Read more: Michelle Pfeiffer Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Bio, and Family.

Zoe Saldana Parents and Siblings

Zoe Saldana has a big, loving family. Her mom, Asalia Nazario, is super strong. Her dad, Aridio Saldana, was a businessman. Sadly, he died in a car crash when Zoe was young. After that, Zoe’s life changed a lot. Also, she has two younger sisters, Cisley and Mariel. They are close and have fun together.

Additionally, Zoe has a brother named Nipo. Together, they share lots of memories and laughs. Zoe’s family is important to her. They helped her become the star she is today, and their support means the world to her. She loves her family with all her heart. They are her biggest fans and cheer her on.

Zoe Saldana Husband/Boyfriend

Zoe Saldana  husband named Marco Perego Saldana. They tied the knot and became a team. He’san artist from Italy. His art is famous and neat. Together, Zoe and Marco make a fantastic pair. They share lots of laughs and fun times.

Additionally, Marco supports Zoe in her acting career. HHe’salways there to cheer her on. TThey’renot just husband and wife but also best friends. MMarco’slove for Zoe is big and true. They have a special bond tthat’sclear to see.

Zoe Saldana Children

Zoe Saldana is a mom to three boys. Their names are Cy, Bowie, and Zen. They make ZZoe’sworld full of fun and love. Each boy has a unique personality. Cy and Bowie are twins, which is super cool. Zen is the youngest and keeps everyone on their toes. Together, they have a blast with their mom.

Marco, their dad, and also a breast of their fun. The family loves to explore and play together. Adventures are a big deal in their house. Zoe often shares their cute moments on social media. Fans love seeing her as a mom. Her boys are her pride and joy. They fill her life with laughter and happiness.

Zoe Saldana Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Zoe Saldana is super talented and also looks great. SShe’s46 years old now but still shines bright. She stands tall at 5 feet 7 inches and weighs about 55 kilograms. Her height and weight match perfectly, making her look stunning on screen. Zoe has a smile that lights up any room.

Additionally, her style is always on point. She knows how to rock any outfit. Whether on the red carpet or in movies, sshe’sfabulous. Her physical appearance is as impressive as her acting. Fans admire her not just for their talent but also for her looks. She truly is an inspiration, inside and out.

Zoe Saldana Before Fame

Zoe Saldana was just like us. She also lived a normal life in New Jersey with her family. Acting was always her big dream, though. She loved to act from a young age. After moving to the Dominican Republic, she got even more into acting. She joined theatre groups and practiced a lot.

Additionally, School was a big part of her life, and she worked hard at Newtown High School. Zoe only became famous after a while. It took lots of hard work and dedication. Her journey to stardom was full of ups and downs, but she never gave up on her dream. ZZoe’sstory teaches us to chase our dreams.

Zoe Saldana Career and Achievements

Zoe Saldana started her acting journey on stage. Then, she dazzled in big movies we all love. Her role in “”vatar””made her super famous. Also she played in “”uardians of the Galaxy”” too. Plus, she was awesome in the “”vengers””series. Zoe has won awards for her amazing acting. SShe’sknown all over for her talent.

Fans everywhere cheer for her cool characters. Zoe keeps acting in cool, new movies. Her career is shiny and full of stars. Also, she works hard and always does her best. Every movie sshe’sin turns out great. Zoe Saldana is a true Hollywood hero. Her achievements inspire lots of young actors. She proves that dreams do come true with hard work.

Zoe SSaldana’sNet Worth

Zoe Saldana is successful in movies, and because of this, she has made a lot of money. Right now, Zoe has a net worth of $60 million. TThat’slike a huge mountain of cash. She earns this from acting and other cool stuff. Zoe works super hard in her movies, and this effort pays off with big bucks. Her talent shines, and so does her bank account.

Fans love her in every role she plays. This love turns into movie tickets and more money. ZZoe’ssuccess story is super inspiring to many. Also, she shows that dreams can lead to a treasure chest. IIsn’tthat an amazing journey from acting to earning? Zoe Saldana proves hard work pays off.

Zoe Saldana Future Plans and Projects

She has exciting stuff coming up. SShe’llbe in more awesome movies soon. Fans are super excited to see her. She always picks cool roles. Also, Zoe might produce some films. That means sshe’llhelp make movies. IIt’sa big deal and super fun. Also, she wants to tell stories that matter. Zoe also plans to work with charities.

She loves helping others. TThat’simportant to her. Plus, she might start a fashion line. Zoe loves fashion and being stylish. Her fans ccan’twait to see wwhat’snext. Also, she promises to keep acting and making us proud. With Zoe, the future looks bright and full of surprises.

Zoe Saldana Famous Reason

Zoe Saldana became a big star for many reasons. First off, she played in super cool movies. Remember “”vatar”” It was a huge hit worldwide. Then, tthere’s””uardians of the Galaxy”” She rocked as Gamora. Her talent in acting shines through. Plus, Zoe ddidn’tstop there. She also starred in the “vengers” series. These roles made her famous all over. Fans love how she brings characters to life. Zoe works hard in every movie. TThat’swhy she stands out in Hollywood. Her dedication to acting is inspiring. Also, she proves that with talent and effort, you can reach the stars. Zoe SSaldana’sjourney in films is what made her famous.


  • Zoe loves to dance. IIt’sone of her favourite things.
  • She also enjoys reading books in her free time.
  • Travelling is another hobby she adores. She visits new places.
  • Zoe likes practising yoga to stay fit and calm.
  • Painting and drawing are her creative outlets. SShe’squite artsy.
  • Cooking new recipes is a fun adventure for her.
  • She spends time gardening, loving the feel of nature.
  • Photography captures her attention. She takes beautiful pictures.
  • Zoe enjoys hiking. IIt’s—IIt’sa explore and exercise.
  • Playing video games is a surprising hobby for her.
  • Also, she loves listening to music. IIt’s—IIt’sajoy.
  • Crafting with her kids brings her happiness and fun.

Zoe SSaldana’sFavorite Things

  • Zoe loves the color turquoise. It reminds her of the sea.
  • Also, sshe’sa big fan of chocolate. IIt’sher go-to snack.
  • Zoe enjoys watching comedy movies. They always make her laugh.
  • Italian cuisine is her favourite type of food. She finds it delicious.
  • Also, she adores the book “”he Alchemist””by Paulo Coelho. It inspires her.
  • Zoe prefers summer over other seasons. She loves the warm weather.
  • Her favourite hobby is dancing. It makes her feel free and happy.
  • Also, she loves to travel to Italy. IIt’sher favourite place to visit.
  • ZZoe’sfavourite animal is the dolphin. She finds them smart and fascinating.
  • Listening to jazz music relaxes her. IIt’sher favourite music genre.
  • Also, she likes doing yoga in the morning. It energizes her for the day.
  • ZZoe’sfavourite actress is Meryl Streep. She admires her talent and grace.

Interesting Facts Zoe Saldana

  • Zoe speaks two languages fluently.
  • Also, she learned ballet in the Dominican Republic. Imagine her dancing.
  • Zoe has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame—a big honour.
  • SShe’sa big science fiction fan, just like in her movies.
  • Zoe does her stunts. Super brave and super strong.
  • SShe’salso a voice actress. Her talents keep growing.
  • Zoe is part of a special group of actresses.
  • They are in three of the biggest movie franchises. 
  • She loves to collect art. Her house must look like a gallery.
  • Zoe is super into fitness. She inspires us to stay active.
  • Also, she once worked at Burger King. Yes, before she was famous.
  • Zoe is passionate about environmental causes. She cares about our planet.


WWe’vegot answers! What movies is Zoe famous for?

She shines in Avatar and Guardians of the Galaxy.

How tall is Zoe?

She stands proud at 5 feet 7 inches.

Who is ZZoe’shusband?

Marco Perego Saldana is her cool partner.

Does Zoe have any kids?

Yes, sshe’sa mom to three awesome boys.

What does Zoe love doing?

She adores dancing and traveling around.

Where did Zoe grow up?

She spent her childhood in New Jersey.

Did Zoe go to college?

There are no details on that, but she rocked high school.

Can Zoe speak any other languages?

Yes, sshe’sfluent in two languages.

Is Zoe in any superhero movies?

She’s a star in the “vengers” series.

WWhat’sZZoe’sfavourite food?

She finds Italian cuisine super delicious.

How old is Zoe?

SShe’san amazing 46 years young.

Zoe has hobbies, right?

Yep, she loves reading and staying fit with yoga.

Zoe has a favourite colour, ddoesn’tshe?

Sure does; iit’sthe beautiful turquoise.


Wow, we sure learned a lot about Zoe Saldana today! From her early days in New Jersey to her big, bright career in movies, ZZoe’sjourney is like a cool adventure story. Also, she ddidn’tjust dream; she worked hard to make those dreams come true. Acting in huge hits like “”vatar””and being a superhero in “”uardians of the Galaxy””is no small feat. Zoe is also a mom to three fun boys and is married to a cool artist, Marco. They seem like the happiest team. Zoe also has a big heart. She loves helping others and cares about our planet.

She enjoys doing normal stuff, too, like dancing, reading, and even playing video games. IIt’sfun to see someone so famous who still enjoys simple things. Also, her favorite color is turquoise, and loving Italian food makes her seem even more down-to-earth. Remember, ZZoe’sstory teaches us to chase our dreams with all wwe’vegot. Also, she shows that being kind, working hard, and staying true to what you love pays off in big, beautiful ways. So, llet’sget inspired by Zoe SSaldana’samazing story. One day, we can reach for the stars just like she did. Thanks for hanging out and learning about Zoe Saldana with me. Also, sshe’sone of a kind, lighting up the world with her talent and kindness.

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